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At Last... A Step-By-Step Guide That Reveals How To Raise A Happy, Positive, Responsible And Caring Child!"- GUARANTEED!
I'm Daniel Dwase, Father and Author. That's me with my family. As you can see we have a young daughter and like most parents I will admit that even at this early age I had concerns for both my daughter's education and future. So much so that when she was born I embarked on a labour of love. I'll tell you more about that in a moment...
We all have to accept that the world has changed since we were children. The changes are there for everyone to see and children have changed. Sometimes for the better and let's be realistic here sometimes for the worse.
You are not alone! Today the vast majority of parents encounter problems at some time in the raising of their children. As you are reading this, I'm sure that you are experiencing problems at the moment. But there is a way to circumvent these problems.
When my daughter was born, I knew that times had changed. Looking around I realised that many of my family and friends were encountering problems with their children from an early age.
I therefore decided that as a father it was my responsibility to learn all I could to ensure I gave my daughter both a loving, caring childhood and a disciplined start in life that would help her to grow into a balanced and successful person.
I have invested hundreds of hours researching all the current issues, trends and attitudes to controlling...
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